The tags, namely, B2A and A2B, represent the look-up-tables (LUTs) that the color conversion routine uses to translate the source color numbers to Lab numbers, and then from Lab numbers to the destination color numbers, respectively. Both source and destination color numbers are device dependent in that they are specific to that device. The Lab values, also known as Profile Connection Space, is device independent.
Source Profile --> A2B --> (Rendering Intent) --> Lab
Lab --> B2A --> (Rendering Intent)--> Destination Profile
a) From Device to PCS (Profile Connection Space)
AToB0: transformation to achieve perceptual rendering.
AToB1: transformation to achieve colorimetric rendering.
AToB2: transformation to achieve saturation rendering.
a) From PCS to Device
BToA0: transformation to achieve perceptual rendering.
BToA1: transformation to achieve colorimetric rendering.
BToA2: transformation to achieve saturation rendering.
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